Sunday, April 18, 2010

Retold by permission.

Elder Daughter and her 2 sons had to go down and have Matthew fitted for a tux. He was ring-bearer in a wedding; his mother was Matron of Honor. I went along for the ride after I got off work on Friday. Matt had gone with his school to a zoo in another city and had purchased a cute little stuffed animal; a monkey with a red body, arms and legs - a grey tail and a flesh toned wise little monkey face. The thing was posed so that it would balance on Matt's shoulder as easily as it would sit on a table. He took the monkey along in the car. We went to the shop where the tux was fitted and once finished there, we went to McAllister's for dinner. Matt took his monkey inside and it sat on the table during our meal. Afterward we all piled back in the car to make the return trip home. I was feeling mellow from dinner.

The boys sat on the bench seats while their mother and I chatted quietly. We were on the interstate heading north and things outside were getting that lovely sunset glow when it happened. Matt began to whack on the little stuffed monkey, pretending it had done something to displease him. He continued to thwack the thing repeatedly - until his mother, tiring of hearing the noise told him sharply, " Stop spanking your monkey, Matthew!"

That's all it took. I snorted, then giggled, then guffawed and couldn't stop laughing. Realizing what she'd said, my daughter joined me and then the boys started laughing along as people do while Matt kept asking, "Why is everybody laughing" and Nathan finally managed to wheeze out, "I....don't....know!"

We probably covered five miles, laughing crazily, before I was able to control the helpless gales and wipe the tears from my eyes. I did think to ask Elder Daughter if she minded if I blogged the incident.

Sunday, April 11, 2010

Spring is lovely in North Central Florida this year. The Dogwoods are full of blossoms and the azaleas are outstanding; witness the exhibition just outside my kitchen window.

The downside to all this beauty is the pollen. It's everywhere. it covers the back patio. It covers the car. It covers the ribbons under the car. It makes one sneeze and the sinus feel full.

I guess we have to put up with such things to enjoy this spectacular Spring.

Maybe there will be a bumper crop of pecans, too. One can hope for such a response in repayment for the allergic snuffling and goose-like nose blowing of the local inhabitants. 'Cause one day all these flowers will wither and drop and the memories of this gorgeous spring weather will reside in the glow of the pecans nestling in bags in the freezer.

Wait for it - wait for it. Was that a plink on the tin roof?