Friday, September 25, 2009

Winter is coming

Winter isn't so far away. I missed the Autumnal Equinox by a day. I was going to make sure to see the sun coming up directly east, blinding me as I drove to work. But I got a late start and it was overcast - so, I missed the solar reminder that the sun is over the equator and will be heading back the other direction as we turn on our axis. The days will be dark in the mornings until we set our clocks back in October. Still, it's going to be a refreshing change to see the roadside flowers showing themselves in their yellow hues. White seems to be the Spring foliage color and mostly yellow for Winter.

Youngest daughter and I took a box of wildflower seeds when we first moved to our country home. We traipsed up and down the road - blithely shaking seeds along the edge and waited to see what glories we'd spread. Next year, pretty much the same things blossomed. Maybe a few more of those spiky yellow things came up. They remind me of Snapdragons. Still, I like to think we did our part to increase the wildflower population roundabouts.
Like it needed a boost!

1 comment:

RANGER said...

Except for the looking-for-fall mindset, one would not know the equinox was uppon us. At least not down here at the end of the state that has islands scattered roughly toward Cuba. I'm still waiting for that first afternoon when the breeze is dry instead of humid.