Saturday, February 26, 2011

How much !!?!!

This morning, T and I went to shop at Wally World.  Afterward, we filled the car with gas.  Fortunately we had put some money on a Walmart card.  We got 3 cents off the posted price of  $3.41 and only paid $3.38.  Only, she says.  We spoke with a young man while checking out and the word on the street is that we will be paying $5.00 a gallon by the Summertime. 

Still you need to keep a sense of humor about these things.  Either that or take over a small, oil producing country and have a tanker bring the deliveries straight to your car. 

SIGN ABBREVIATIONS:  LOL - Love Our Leaded (but it's not cheap).
OMG - Ouch, More Gas needed . 
WTF - Wait, There's  Financing!

Would anyone have a pair of Draft Horses and a set of harness that would fit a 1992 Olds Cutlass Supreme?  Will supply my own shovel.


RANGER said...

BigEd paid $3.19 a gallon last week. We have to gear up for another purchase next week. Makes you want to just stay home and read, doesn't it?

ol Doc said...

Either that or get a work from home job just to pay for the electric car I'm going to plug in on the front porch. And then, I'll need a full time 2nd job to pay the light bill. Can we say catch 22?