Tuesday, January 26, 2010

I has Meds!

I had and kept a doctor's appointment yesterday afternoon. Lady A. R. N. P. took one look at me and proclaimed, " You don't feel good. I can tell by your eyes!" She proceeded to prescribe some strong antibiotics and a short course of 'roids. All to the good. I picked the medicines up and took them. I feel better already. When I say, "I am woman, hear me roar...." maybe the word roar won't morph into an imitation of a chainsaw hitting heartwood. Ro-rrruh. 'Scuse me. I didn't mean to cough in your face.

I came home this afternoon to find T. sitting on the front porch with Pastor from our church. He had come visiting to see how we were feeling. T. handed me a card from our County Commissioner who had stopped by to see if we would mind the County Public Works crew coming and cutting a huge pecan tree across the road from the house. It is all on the county's land - our boundary marker is in the ground behind the tree. I have halfway been expecting the tree to be taken down. It was just a matter of time. We are the house on the curve and the tree is part of the reason the road takes a double bend along our frontage. The other reason is that the former owners of the property allowed the road to be cut in such a way as to have the part that's north of the house to be offset from the road to the south of the house. So, you come to our lot and have to make an S curve to get from the northern part to the southern part. Standing in our yard and looking down the road to the south, you can see where cutting a straight line would have taken out some pretty big trees and quite a chunk of our front yard.

I talked it over with T. and he doesn't mind losing the one tree. More than that, no. So, I called the number on the commissioner's card and left him a message to call me back. Then I got online and tied up the phone for a pretty good while. Maybe in the back of my mind, I'm not so anxious to hear from the gentleman.

Saturday, January 16, 2010

Another Holiday?

Wow, we just had Christmas and New Year - plus some birthdays in the family and it's time for another 3 day weekend. Martin Luther King, Jr.'s birthday is a new county holiday so I'm off for the weekend plus the Monday. I can hardly stand staying home another three days, given my bout with a horrible cold that lasted from last Tuesday until this morning. It had me on the couch with tissue and juice, hacking until I thought I'd cough up a lung. I'm still coughing like crazy but my sinus cavity is no longer dumping sludge down the back of my throat and causing soreness with every swallow. I would normally have appreciated the time off in a planned vacation. Spending the enforced idleness in a haze of misery was about enough to cause a permanent state of cross-eyed boredom.

I did find a Starz Channel preview for the weekend. Last night, I was able to catch up on a couple of movies. I hadn't seen the latest versions of either "Race to Witch Mountain" or "Mall Cop". I enjoyed Witch Mountain enough to watch it twice. Mall Cop, not so much. I also finished 2 paperback books during the week and am nearly done with Amy Tan's Teaching Fish to Dance. It is a departure from her usual story telling in that the main character is - well, dead - not to put too fine a point on it. But the story is so well told that I am enjoying the book. Today I'm up and dressed and planning to stay off the couch as long as possible. Unless the urge for a nap absolutely overtakes me. That's possible on a cool and rainy day.

Saturday, January 9, 2010

Flurries redone

So, I have this "App" for my cell phone called My Cast. It's a weather application and since the price was right (free) I couldn't resist downloading it to my phone. I have found it most helpful in planning travel or just to see where the rain is on radar as I'm ready to go outside.

There is a feature where you can make a weather observation and then go to another map and see your observation along with what other folks have put on the site. This morning, I chose to make an observation. I said it was Mostly cloudy, Bitterly cold and my mood was Happy. That done, I went to the map to see the other poor souls who were awake that early in the day. Near my location was another Bitterly Cold but their sky was clear. Lots of cold was to the north of me. Some clouds and rain to the south. But a bit down the map, possibly towards Orlando was one observation that made me burst out laughing.
It was simply OMG Snow Flurries!

Yep, it has snowed in our fair Sunshine State. It took 15 years, for it to happen again and I missed it both times. Well, once, in 1996 or 1997, we drove over to a small town west of us and there were a few small flakes flying but that hardly counts. I guess we'll just have to bundle up and go stand in front of Wal-Mart's freezer case and see if there is enough frost built up to satisfy the wish for a winter wonderland! Maybe while we're standing there, we can get a half gallon of chocolate.

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Flurries? We don't need no....flurries!

Somehow our weather has gotten mixed up with some other country's. Say somewhere in Russia? The forecast for this Thursday is calling for snow flurries as a possible event. We're not really excited about having snow in the yard or on the roof. Flurries are fine, in Atlanta or La Grange. They're also possible at both of those places in the same time frame as our local forecast is calling for.

The weather band radio also said that there might be ice on the highway, Thursday - due to moisture freezing. Duh! Frozen moisture would be ice, now wouldn't it!

When the girls were little, we used to think nothing of driving the length of the state to Stone Mountain and letting them play in the few inches of snow on top. Now that we're older and have accumulated a little bit of sense - we think nothing of piling another blanket on the bed or putting another chunk of wood in the fireplace.

I ask you! Flurries? Well, I for one might get out of bed and look outside if someone were to phone me to say it was snowing. But I'm sure not going to set my clock. T. will probably be up anyway. I'll ask him to check outside and wake me if he sees anything falling from the skies. Unless it's leaves off the trees. Then, just let me snooze.