Sunday, August 1, 2010

Good points & bad points.

I enjoy using my cell phone to access the social networking websites and to send messages back and forth to family and friends.  Our parents kept in touch using a clunky black telephone with an uncurly handset wire and a wire that plugged into the wall, tethering them to the unit when they wanted to reach out and touch someone.  It had a 3 digit number when I was small.  That number went to 5 digits and sometimes the old telephone number, 27155 - floats to the top of my mental soup when I least expect it.  By the time we moved from the house where I was raised - the phone number had enlarged to 7 digits.  The cord had become curly at some point along the way.  And, the phone came in many colors, to match your decor. 

We never could have dreamed of all the improvements to come in telecommunications, much less the computer advancements that lay ahead.  Nowadays, I can dial the phone from any place there is a signal.  I carry it with me in the car, the grocery and the office. 

With all these advancements, would you think someone could have standardized the keyboard shortcuts so that a person could move from the cellphone keyboard to a computer keyboard without having to think about things like punctuation and  capitalization?  Do you realize how many times I've been forced to backspace over my typing because I forgot I was on my computer instead of thumbing the phone.  There are not shortcuts on a computer or typewriter that allow a quick double spacebar to place a period at the end of the sentence.  It is a good idea on a cell phone but you have to actually do some work and put that little dot at the end of the computer generated line.

You can't just hold down a letter key until the capital letter comes up.   You have to shift it into place.

 The letter U doesn't replace the written word You.

 You're is not shortened to U R.  At least it isn't done that way in a formal message to the boss. 

The person who comes up with a button that recognizes the keyboard and tells the computer to repair those lines of type will probably be otw to making a ton of $$$, imho! 


RANGER said...

My phone is a 2G RAZR, fit for use by dinosaurs. It doesn't know there is such a thing as an internet. There is no holding down keys for capital letters (press the zero for CAPs) and I have to use the pound sign to space between words. And people wonder why it takes me so long to reply to texts. Heh.

ol Doc said...

One word - 2 syllables - starts with Up, ends with Grade? :)

RANGER said...
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RANGER said...

The battery situation is the stumbling block. I use BigEd's old RAZR as a charger (he up-geed to a Tundra.) With three batteries, one is always on the charger, one is in my purse in a snack bag, and one is in the phone. I just switch out (previous post removed in favor of spelling out with a t instead of an r) the depleted battery for a charged one and keep going. My own phone is never on the charger or dead. I like this system and am reluctant to give it up . . .

Zeta said...

Hum....iphone subluminal messages arriving through this post.......battery included.