Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Travel, Troubles, The Economy, Politics and Tea

I was just ruminating on how busy life gets and how many changes can  occur in just the 10 days since the last post to my weblog.  In those 10 days we have had some major events happening to people in the family.  Ranger and J have driven 900 miles, one way - to attend a memorial service.  They were heading back home and got word that, someone in the family where they had been visiting fell and broke her femur. 

Elder Daughter's car has developed a problem with overheating and they noticed a sheen in the water for the cooling system.  Oil in the water indicates you are on the way to a blown engine if the problem isn't fixed.  This was definitely  not good news. 

The Alabama Contingent had a problem with their car stopping and the two of them had to walk to a gas station and then return to the car, bringing gas.  They had to wait a while before it would start again. 

The economy has forced changes to the workplace and my office has gotten word that the entire group of  all county employees will have to give up 3 furlough days to make up a shortfall in local government income this year.  That means that 3 county holidays will be given without pay.  The furlough days are going to fall on regular holidays - like Veteran's day and two others to be named.  We would normally have the dates off anyway.  But we would also normally be  paid  a regular salary for the holiday.  Now, that's going to be our contribution to the county coffers.  When asked to take part in the furlough, the county's Board of County Commissioners declined,  saying that they are State funded and even if they did participate in the furloughs,  it would only add about $1700.00 to the amount saved.  Um hum. 

In the same vein, our insurance plan is going to  start charging for individual member plans.  Heretofore, a single participant would have their policy paid for by the county.  Additional  family members on the plan were paid by the employee.  Going solely with Social Security may be be my best option.  Then I can drop the work plan.  Um hum.

On the upside of all this - we are praying for the family member with the broken femur.    God still is  in control. 

Ranger and J  are taking  a rest day and will be home soon, with God watching over  them  all  the  way.

Elder Daughter's car problems are being solved by a member of their church who sold them the car in the first place.  They will shortly be driving a VW Bug of a newer variety and the old car will be repaired and then sold at auction.  Word has it there will be a birthday celebrated in this family, soon.

The Alabama Contingent of the Family has solved her vehicle problems for the moment and is concentrating  on birthday shopping for  her child - soon to be a big 04.  Word is there will be a party.

And, I still have a job.  My county commissioner has retired, so we can't vote him out.  He didn't agree to the furlough days anyway - so we might not have taken aim at his head after things settle down.

We have a strong Tea Party movement  in  the county and, while I'm not a member and have never attended a rally I may take to driving around with a teabag dangling from the rear view.  That way if we pass a corner where there is a candidate holding a sign and waving for all  he is worth - I can point to the teabag on the mirror and smile as I watch for a reaction.  I just love living in a small town where you can get up close and personal with your politicians and gauge which way they jump.

1 comment:

RANGER said...

Actually, two rest days. Both needed desperately.