Saturday, December 4, 2010

Shop 'til your feet drop...

So, I went out today with Elder Sister (our daughter who lives behind us on the property) and we went Christmas shopping this morning.  I had no idea the amount of people who were in the stores, business was brisk and the crowded stores were still offering dollars off on the items I wanted.  I got three people finished and part of the fourth 'lil guy has a good start, plus I know what I'm going to buy to finish his list.  That leaves his mommy and a son-in-law to buy for.  But not today.  The rest of the day is dedicated to putting my poor feet up and taking Tylenol to relieve the throbbing arches.  I'm not even going to tiptoe out on the porch to turn on the outside lights. Nope - just gonna' luxuriate in the feeling of having no shoes on.  Wiggle toes, go ahead, you can do it.  No groaning from down there! 

Well, maybe I'll turn on the Christmas  lights for a little while.  If I can get my feet to agree to get back down on the floor long enough to walk outside.


RANGER said...

Consultations with body parts occur more frequently as we get older, don't they? The lights are pretty - worth the walk.

ol Doc said...

Consultations, encouragement, threats - body parts are apt to be subjected to one or all of the above! Sarah & Nathan & Matthew did the decorating while Tom & I were in Alabama. Surprise!