Thursday, December 23, 2010

Winding down.

Went out shopping with Elder Daughter and the Grandsons this morning.  We had a few errands to do and one more gift to buy.  We began by mailing a double handful of Christmas cards.  There was no line to the outside mailboxes.  Traffic was light.  The mall wasn't too crowded.  TJ Maxx was busy but not so much that it deterred us in our quest for the perfect last minute purchase.  Odd Lots had some things of interest.  Home Depot was a source of one of my major purchases.  Relieved, we turned towards Walmart and found some things to fill out the stocking stuffer agenda. 

There is one more day, Christmas Eve - and then it will be Christmas Day.  All the stress will be worthwhile.  Presents to open, food to consume.  Telephone calls to keep in touch across the miles.  Love to share with family.  And,  amid the hustle and bustle of the holiday, we need to take time to dwell on the Real reason for the Season.  Two thousand years ago, give or take a few - a child was born in  a small town.  Angels welcomed Him and shepherds left their flocks and ran to worship.  Wise men came from far away lands to bring precious gifts. This child whose birth we celebrate is the real reason for the joy of the season.  Let us not lose sight of this truth during the hurry to get things done - the buying and wrapping, the cooking and serving and cleaning up.  The enjoyment of the gifts we exchange - let us recall the greatest Gift  of all.

Peace on Earth.  Good Will Towards Men!

1 comment:

RANGER said...

Amen, sistah, Amen.