Saturday, May 21, 2011


This is a rare traffic jam in our small town.  It started right at the end of the driveway where I come out of work.  You can tell I hadn't completed the turn into the roadway before cars had stopped.   I hate when this happens.

This is an un-traffic jam in our small town.  I would rather drive in this kind of traffic any day.

These flowers were planted from bulbs given us by a cousin.  They come up year after year and I enjoy  seeing them, like old friends in the early Summertime.  They remind me of Charles Vining whenever I see them waving in the breeze.

This is a group collecting donations from passers-by at the local big box store.  The group advertises as an animal rescue and requests donations both here and on the radio.  I have heard some pretty ratty rumors about how they treat their animals and the condition of their facility.  I wonder how they can afford to advertise over the airwaves.   I would much rather see flowers waving in  the breeze than see some child waving a bucket and a sign outside a place where I buy groceries.

Further Deponent Sayeth Not. 

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