Saturday, December 26, 2009

Seventh Inning Stretch

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year.

In the 2009 timeline, we're at the word "and" that's nestled after Christmas but before the New Year. This is the week when we positively regret some of the holiday dining choices we've made while looking forward to the traditional New Years dinner of black-eye peas cooked with ham hocks. Maybe with cornbread and some greens to go with it. This meal is supposed to bring luck in the coming year and I suppose it is possible. We certainly never had any luck so bad as to cause us to blame the black-eyes. Knock wood.

One year a well loved Aunt persuaded us to finish a non-cornbread with black-eyes meal by eating twelve grapes, one by one. Each grape ingested, she said was going to bring us good luck for 1 month of the coming year. We downed all 12 little green grapes and commenced to have one of the worst years in memory. I mean, if it could go wrong, it did. Mother vowed never to allow this Aunt to use the grape tradition again. We'd go back to downing black-eye peas and cornbread. Never mess with a family tradition. Or a Southern one!

Year end is also a time to reflect on the past and plan for the future. One of the photographs from the past is of the grandchildren gathered to celebrate December 25th. I will include a copy for your reflection upon the importance of family and while that's happening, I will lie down on the couch and close my eyes for a short planning nap.


RANGER said...

Reflect, reflect, reflect, snore.
Zat how it's supposed to go? It's how my afternoon went, yesterday.

Zeta said...

Today I purchased our black-eye peas wondering "Does this really work?" The 12 grapes is a traditon new to me. Maybe your right, we should pass on this tradition due to the evidence you discovered. Corn bread with apple butter, apple sauce, or butter all work very well.

ol Doc said...

The only reflection I was able to locate was that reddish color on the inside of my eyelids! Maybe I'd better go try again?