Sunday, June 12, 2011

Shaken but not stirred....

In Walmart on Saturday I was headed towards the main aisle when I spotted a female who apparently was one of those few  people who are born with little or no jawbone.  She seemed to have absolutely no chin, with the line of her neck running from her collarbone to approximately an inch below her nose.  She was pushing a basket and was walking perpendicularly across my path.  I was just about to think to myself, "Aw, the poor thing." when she suddenly clapped her lower lip upwards to her top lip and her chin slid upwards into its normal place on her face.  I realized that  what I had mistakenly thought was the silhouette of  a chinless person was actually that of a person in the middle of a gawping yawn.  Then I espied the rest of her.  A pink sleep tee and stripped flannel jammy bottoms.  This lady was wandering the aisles of the store in a sleep deprived state, wearing her pajamas and a pair of flip-flops.  There was nothing in her basket.  She was headed towards the dairy section, so one can only hope she was picking up some milk for her cereal.  Creamer for her coffee.  Something to start the day right, something to wake her up and shake her up and yell in her face, "What were you thinking, going out shopping in sleepwear.....!"

Maybe it would have done some good.  Or, not.


RANGER said...

I have worn slippers to the store to pick up milk. But I always cover up a yawn - so it wasn't me, huh?

ol Doc said...

Yeah, but if you wears yer jammies, you covers up wit' yer robe, don'cha!