Wednesday, August 26, 2009


There are two kinds of Blackberries in the world. One kind grows on PLANTS along our fence and is the favorite of many people to sprinkle over their cereal or just plop in the mouth as they pick a handful. My husband's mother loved to gather a cup full of the little gems and eat them with a dollop of milk poured over the whole. She couldn't believe the bounty on all sides of the yard and would go out before the dew had dried to harvest enough for her breakfast. One note of caution, the plants are full of briers and will tangle around an ankle with painful results. I use my old boots when walking in an area heavily overgrown with blackberry plants.
The other variety of BLACKBERRY is an electronic handheld device that is in wide use where I work and makes life easier - or harder, depending on your level of experience and willingness to learn. The supervisory level at work had their Blackberries provided. Lower in the agency - you buys your own. When I upgraded my AT&T phone, I got a Blackberry Curve. A red one. I kept the Unlimited Data Plan and Internet. I can be driving down the highway and there may be a message from one of my children - or a co-worker or a boss. (In the interest of safety I don't read or reply while I'm driving and you shouldn't either!)
I like the ability to keep in touch while on the go. A family member who is travelling can send a text message to signal a safe arrival. Or call for help and driving directions. And you can take a picture of the countryside and send a message to include a shot of where you are now.
Just today, I saw a great suggestion for family safety. You know about Amber Alerts; those messages sent out to tell the public about abducted or missing children. (You can get Amber Alerts sent to your phone, how cool is that!) Someone suggested that a family who is travelling can take a photograph of the children before setting out for the day. That way, if anything untoward happens - say a child gets separated from the group, you have the very latest picture to give law enforcement or mall security and it is up-to-date, including the clothing description. At the end of the day, the old pictures can be deleted and another set taken before setting out again. Now you can carry a current picture of your family whenever you leave home! I wish I'd thought of that!

1 comment:

Zeta said...

I barely, ops rarely, ops never, read my texts while driving. Another great devise is the blue tooth ear piece. You just click the side button, and you are talking to the person who called you. Unless you are in the grocery store and people think you are talking to yourself. The travel vacation pictures of children are a great idea.